Joseph Martino, Chair                         Angela Kennedy, Vice-Chair

CEC Catholic Teacher's Centre (3rd Floor)
80 Sheppard Ave East, Toronto, ON, M2N 6E8

Recommendation to Board from the June 22, 2020 Audit Committee Meeting

1. That an Ad Hoc Committee be established in September that provides meetings with Staff and Trustees to discuss issues at hand related to COVID-19 operations. 


Recommendations to Board from the June 8, 2020 CPIC Meeting

(I) WHEREAS: On Take a Break Tuesday during Mental Health Awareness Week May 4 to 10, 2020, the website suggested that looking at funny memes can immediately boost your spirits and linked a YouTube video on how to create your own;

WHEREAS: The YouTube video had inappropriate comments and recommended a website where you can create your own memes;

WHEREAS: The website recommended had inappropriate content for our students;

WHEREAS: A parent’s worst nightmare for their child is having a picture of their child being made fun of and circulating on the internet which can lead to cyber bully, impact on child’s mental health or worse. In some cases, this meme can be circulating without the knowledge of the child or parent until it is too late;

WHEREAS: The website described how to create memes was posted the week before synchronous and asynchronous learning was to be announce by the MOE for the next phase of distance learning giving our educators and their unions more concerns as to why they shouldn’t put their face out there in fear of a memes being create of themselves; and

WHEREAS: Parents of the TCDSB trust and have faith that all information posted on the TCDSB website, even external links are properly vetted and contain information that follows our learning beliefs and will not bring any harm or affect the mental wellness of our students.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT: CPIC recommends to the Board of Trustees that a report be requested:

  1. As to how this inappropriate content made it to our website especially during the focus of mental health awareness wellness week.
  2. That memes be incorporated into cyber bully teaching of the health curriculum and students are made aware how bad things start with a simple picture and comment
  3. That the Mental Wellness Department re-evaluate the suggestion of using electronic devices as a mental break especially in a time in our society where the mental break required is from the electronic device.


(II) WHEREAS: Distance Learning for the TCDSB began with Phase 1, Check and Connect from March 23, 2020 to April 3, 2020. Determining the needs of our students through surveys and reaching out to the families of the TCDSB. Technology was a challenge that needed to be tackled;

WHEREAS: Phase 2 began on April 6, 2020 with students receiving the first of the online assignments. The students with available technology began to navigate the technical world, working on their own, receiving instruction through a screen with no personal connection.  There was a learning curve for all in the beginning with the hope of gradual improvement as we went along;

WHEREAS: The MOE announced on May 19, 2020 that students in Ontario would not be returning to the classroom for the 2019-2020 school year however the learning will continue with enhanced techniques such as synchronous and asynchronous learning. We are not sure who has or has not enhanced their teaching; and

WHEREAS: In the upcoming school year of the 2020-2021 this fashion of educating our students may be required again and we be prepared to be more engaging with our students so that that education is not short changed as has been during distance learning.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT: CPIC recommends to the Board of Trustees that a report be requested:

  1. A report be requested from the Director of Education documenting all metrics captured during distance learning:
    1. the tools, programs, techniques, synchronous, asynchronous teaching, etc used,
    2. the percentage of educators using these techniques,
    3. how all educators have been kept accountable during distance learning,
    4. how equitable and consistent delivery of learning opportunities was provided by all our schools across the TCDSB.
  2. Using this report, as we prepare ourselves to do this again in the fall; better and more efficient and give all our educators all the necessary tools and protections so that our students can get the education they rightly deserve.
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