WHEREAS: Notices of motions/motions and amendments are used to bring
proposals for consideration by Trustees;
WHEREAS: Notices of motions/motions and amendments are submitted in writing;
WHEREAS: Preamble clauses are whereas explanatory notes that precede the be it
resolved clauses;
WHEREAS: Using a preamble or whereas explanatory notes gives the mover to list the
reasons for the resolution;
WHEREAS: Preamble clauses (whereas) should support the resolved statement(s);
WHEREAS: Comments made in the preamble should be factual and verifiable;
WHEREAS: Preambles must be as specific as possible about the issue
and demonstrate the relevance of the resolution;
WHEREAS: Commentary in the whereas paragraphs exemplify why action
should be taken;
WHEREAS: The TCDSB recently adopted a revised Trustee Code of Conduct
that states in part: Trustees have a duty to treat members of the public, one another and
staff appropriately and without abuse, bullying or intimidation;
WHEREAS: Trustees should be committed to performing their functions
with integrity, impartiality and transparency;
WHEREAS: Trustees shall be respectful of the role of staff to advise
based on political neutrality and objectivity and without undue influence
from any individual Trustee or faction of the Board;
WHEREAS: Trustees as leaders of the community, are held to a
higher standard of behaviour and conduct;
WHEREAS: Trustees shall not maliciously or falsely impugn or injure the
professional or ethical reputation or the prospects or practice of staff, and all
Trustees shall show respect for the professional capacities of the staff of the Board;
WHEREAS: Trustees share a common basis and understanding for acceptable
conduct of Trustees, in concert with and beyond the minimum standards of
behaviour set out in the existing legislative framework;
WHEREAS: Negative preambles should be avoided;
WHEREAS: Members are not endorsing whereas comments when voting for
a resolution; and
WHEREAS: Negative motions or resolutions should not be considered.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Trustees in presenting notices of motions,
motions and amendments adopt the following principles effective immediately:
a) preambles will be factual and verifiable;
b) preambles will be as issue specific as possible;
c) negative preambles to notices of motions, amendments and resolutions
will be avoided;
d) resolutions and preambles to notices of motions/motions or amendments will not
maliciously or falsely impugn the professional or ethical reputation of staff or
trustees; and
e) resolutions and preambles to notices of motions/motions or amendments will
respect the professional Board staff and trustees; and
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The aforementioned be referred to the
Governance and Policy Committee and to staff for necessary amendments to
the present policies.