AGENDATHE REGULAR MEETING OF THESTUDENT ACHIEVEMENT AND WELL BEING,CATHOLIC EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEEPUBLIC SESSIONFrank D’Amico, Chair Angela Kennedy, Vice-ChairThursday, December 05, 2024 7:00 P.m. - 10:00 P.m.CEC Boardroom (2nd Floor)80 Sheppard Ave East, Toronto, ON, M2N 6E81.Call to Order 2.Opening Prayer (Chair or designate) 3.Land Acknowledgement 4.Singing of O Canada 5.Roll Call & Apologies 6.Approval of the Agenda 7.Report from Private Session 8.Declarations of Interest 9.Approval and Signing of the Minutes of the Meeting held November 7, 2024 1.2024-11-07 Student Achievement Public Minutes.pdf10.Delegations 11.Member Statements 12.Presentations 12.aFocused Support to Enhance Engagement – Adrian Della Mora, Associate Director of Academic Affairs and Chief Operating Officer 13.Notices of Motions 14.Consideration of Motions For Which Previous Notice Has Been Given 15.Consent and Review 16.Unfinished Business 17.Matters referred or deferred 18.Staff Reports 18.a2024-2025 Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) K-12 Professional Learning Plans to Support Student Achievement and Well Being (Information) 1.2024-2025 TCDSB K-12 Professional Learning Plans to Support Student Achievement and WellBeing.pdf2.Appendix A - 24-25 PLP - Mathematics.pdf3.Appendix B - Literacy and Early Reading Supports in the Classroom.pdf4.Appendix C - 24-25 PLP - Literacy.pdf5.Appendix D - 24-25 PLP - Early Reading K-3.pdf6.Appendix E - 24-25 PLP - Nurturing Our Catholic Community.pdf7.Appendix F - 24-25 PLP - Indigenous, Equity and Comm Relations.pdf8.Appendix G - 24-25 PLP - Supporting English Language Learners.pdf9.Appendix H - 24-25 PLP - French as a Second Language.pdf10.Appendix I - 24-25 PLP - Safe Schools.pdf11.Appendix J - 24-25 PLP - The Arts-Dance, Drama, Music, Visual.pdf12.Appendix K - 24-25 PLP - Specialist High Skills Major.pdf13.Appendix L - 24-25 PLP - 21C Learning.pdf14.Appendix M - 24-25 PLP - Science, Social Studies, Eco Schools.pdf15.Appendix N - 24-25 PLP - Student Success.pdf16.Appendix O - 24-25 PLP - Catholic Student Leadership.pdf17.Appendix P - 24-25 PLP - Health and Physical Education and Outdoor Education.pdf18.Appendix Q - 24-25 PLP - Cooperative Learning.pdf19.Appendix R - 24-25 PLP - Dual Credit.pdf20.Appendix S - 24-25 PLP - Experiential Learning.pdf21.Appendix T - 24-25 PLP - Guidance, Transitions and Career Education.pdf22.Appendix U - 24-25 PLP - Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program.pdf23.Appendix V - 24-25 PLP - De-Streaming.pdf24.Appendix W - 24-25 PLP - NTIP.pdf25.Appendix X - 24-25 PLP - Special Services.pdf26.Appendix Y - Professional Learning Feedback 2023_2024.pdf18.bSpecial Services Action Plan Report Back 2023-2024 (Information) 1.Special Services Action Plan Report Back 2023-2024 November 22 2024 MM.pdf18.cMetrics Report of Catholic School Parent Council (CSPC), Policy S.10 (Information) 1.Metrics Report Of CSPC Policy S.10R.pdf2.Appendix A.pdf3.Appendix B.pdf4.Appendix C.pdf18.dToronto Catholic District School Board Resolutions for the Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association 2025 Annual General Meeting (AGM) (Information) 1.2025 Ontario Catholic School Trustees' Association AGM TCDSB Resolutions for Submission.pdf19.Listing of Communications 20.Inquiries 21.Updating of Pending List 21.aAnnual Calendar of Reports and Policy Metrics 1.SAWB 2024 Annual Reports and Metrics (Jan 2023).pdf21.bMonthly Pending List 1.2024-12-05 STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT PENDING LIST AND ROLLING CALENDAR.pdf22.Resolve into FULL BOARD to Rise and Report 23.Closing Prayer 24.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.2024-2025 TCDSB K-12 Professional Learning Plans to Support Student Achievement and WellBeing.pdf2.Appendix A - 24-25 PLP - Mathematics.pdf3.Appendix B - Literacy and Early Reading Supports in the Classroom.pdf4.Appendix C - 24-25 PLP - Literacy.pdf5.Appendix D - 24-25 PLP - Early Reading K-3.pdf6.Appendix E - 24-25 PLP - Nurturing Our Catholic Community.pdf7.Appendix F - 24-25 PLP - Indigenous, Equity and Comm Relations.pdf8.Appendix G - 24-25 PLP - Supporting English Language Learners.pdf9.Appendix H - 24-25 PLP - French as a Second Language.pdf10.Appendix I - 24-25 PLP - Safe Schools.pdf11.Appendix J - 24-25 PLP - The Arts-Dance, Drama, Music, Visual.pdf12.Appendix K - 24-25 PLP - Specialist High Skills Major.pdf13.Appendix L - 24-25 PLP - 21C Learning.pdf14.Appendix M - 24-25 PLP - Science, Social Studies, Eco Schools.pdf15.Appendix N - 24-25 PLP - Student Success.pdf16.Appendix O - 24-25 PLP - Catholic Student Leadership.pdf17.Appendix P - 24-25 PLP - Health and Physical Education and Outdoor Education.pdf18.Appendix Q - 24-25 PLP - Cooperative Learning.pdf19.Appendix R - 24-25 PLP - Dual Credit.pdf20.Appendix S - 24-25 PLP - Experiential Learning.pdf21.Appendix T - 24-25 PLP - Guidance, Transitions and Career Education.pdf22.Appendix U - 24-25 PLP - Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program.pdf23.Appendix V - 24-25 PLP - De-Streaming.pdf24.Appendix W - 24-25 PLP - NTIP.pdf25.Appendix X - 24-25 PLP - Special Services.pdf26.Appendix Y - Professional Learning Feedback 2023_2024.pdf1.2025 Ontario Catholic School Trustees' Association AGM TCDSB Resolutions for Submission.pdf1.2024-11-07 Student Achievement Public Minutes.pdf1.Metrics Report Of CSPC Policy S.10R.pdf2.Appendix A.pdf3.Appendix B.pdf4.Appendix C.pdf1.Special Services Action Plan Report Back 2023-2024 November 22 2024 MM.pdf1.SAWB 2024 Annual Reports and Metrics (Jan 2023).pdf1.2024-12-05 STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT PENDING LIST AND ROLLING CALENDAR.pdf